Dental patients are familiar with the unpleasantness of morning breath. However, for some patients, bad breath isn’t eliminated by brushing their teeth.
There are several factors that contribute to bad breath. By learning how to eliminate it, patients won’t have to deal with bad breath anymore.
1. Poor Oral Hygiene
Poor oral hygiene causes bad breath, and the patient will need to reassess their habits. If they do not brush and floss their teeth at least twice a day, they will develop tooth and gum damage. Patients with poor oral hygiene are most likely to develop periodontal disease.
To get back on track, they can schedule an appointment with a dentist.
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2. Smoking Tobacco Products
Smoking is known to cause bad breath as the smoker draws the chemicals from the cigarettes into their lungs. Tobacco products will damage their teeth and cause them to root if the patient doesn’t get repairs as needed.
Dentists also recommend stopping all tobacco products as they are a leading cause of various forms of cancer. The patient could develop oral cancer from smoking and chewing tobacco.
3. Drinking Coffee Throughout the Day
Drinking coffee can cause bad breath, and if the patient drinks it continuously during the day it will stain their teeth.
Some coffee stains are permanent, and the acidic ingredients in coffee and creamers added to them cause cavities.
4. Eating Onions or Garlic
Foods that contain onions and garlic are known to cause bad breath, too. Consumers who eat these foods could notice that onions and garlic smells can come through their pores as the foods hit their bloodstream.
If they take garlic supplements, they are more likely to have bad breath all the time.
5. The Consumption of Alcohol
The consumption of alcohol can destroy gums and teeth. Patients who drink excessively are more likely to develop periodontal disease and lose their teeth.
The alcohol will erode the gums and increase their risks of tooth loss.
6. Severe Digestive Issues and Gastrointestinal Diseases
GERD will come back up the esophagus when a patient has digestive issues or gastrointestinal disease.
Patients with acid reflux will notice that they belch frequently, and the acid coming from their esophagus will give them bad breath.
7. High Sugar Diet
A high sugar diet can root the teeth and increase the risk of periodontal disease. A high sugar diet will cause cavities quickly, and the patient will need to get their cavities filled as soon as they notice them.
Dental professionals recommend consuming sugary foods in moderation.
8. Dry Mouth
Dry mouth is a condition caused by a decreased production of saliva. It is also a side effect caused by smoking tobacco products and consuming alcohol.
Since the body doesn’t produce enough saliva, it can cause severe tooth damage. It will cause the breath to smell terrible because of the lack of moisture.
9. Some Prescription Medications
Prescription medications have side effects, and some cause bad breath. They can also cause tooth damage and stains. The patient will need to discuss these side effects with their dentist and their doctor.
10. Bacterial Growth and Tooth Damage
Any tooth damage increases bacterial growth in the mouth. Bacteria in the mouth cause bad breath. Even if the patient brushes frequently, they will need to get their teeth repaired to eliminate the bad breath.
Dental patients could face bad breath for a variety of reasons. It is best for them to reassess their habits and determine better ways to decrease the frequency of bad breath.
By changing their habits and making some lifestyle changes they could eliminate bad breath altogether.