Using essential oils for bone healing is a popular and effective method. While these oils don’t directly heal the bones, they can speed up the healing process of fractured bones due to injuries or age-related issues.
Arthritis and Osteoporosis are common problems when people grow older. Our Bones are the framework upon which other organs and tissue depend for coordination. Bones are water, calcium, and collagen. Therefore, it needs proper blood and oxygen supply to metabolize nutrients.
Collagen fibers are durable and give the bone its tensile strength. When you grow older, tissue and tendons grow slowly. Bones may break down due to extreme external pressure and tension.
Bone fractures are four types: closed, open, displaced, and non-displaced. There is a specific treatment for each of them.
In extreme cases, you must consult with a doctor. Besides this, you can find different aid to speed up the healing process. Essential oils for broken bones are natural and effective. [2] [1]
These oils are made up of herbal essence and contain natural therapeutic properties. For example, essential oils can help relieve the aches and pains associated with broken joints and bones.
Read on to learn the efficacy of using essential oils for bone healing, the causes of weak bones, and some precautions to be followed.
Benefits of Essential Oils for Bone Healing
Essential oils have regenerative properties. In addition, essential oils are soothing and can address the causes of acute and chronic conditions. It also helps neurons transmit and receive messages.
Broken bones benefit from the regular use of essential oils. A broken bone may take a very long time to recover. The thicker the lesion is, the longer it takes to gain full strength. You may use essential oils for broken bones and get well faster. [3]
Essential oils can:
- Relieve the local swelling and inflammation
- Warm up the injured area
- Help to repair the tissue around the bone fractures
- Give relief to painful areas
- Improve the blood flow in the affected area
- Cause the shrinking of blood vessels
- Inhibit bone resorption
RELATED: 12 Useful Essential Oils for Arthritis & How to Use Them
Essential Oils for Broken and Fractured Bone Healing
1. Peppermint Oil
You can use peppermint oil to diminish the heat and swelling and eliminate the likelihood of inflammation. Peppermint is rich in nutrients and minerals. It also has a cooling and anti-inflammatory effect. It is among the most common essential oils for bone healing.
- Ten drops of peppermint oil
- Coconut or jojoba oil
- Ten drops of Eucalyptus oil
- Mix coconut or jojoba oil with ten drops of peppermint oil, then massage the mixture on the painful area.
- You can combine ten drops of peppermint and eucalyptus oil with two tablespoons of coconut oil before applying the combination to the broken bone area. [4]
2. Lavender Oil
Lavender oil has relaxation properties that can relieve stress and anxiety. Bone pain is intolerable in an anxious state fueled by strain. Lavender alleviates naturally.
Three to five drops of lavender oil
Half a teaspoon of coconut oil
- You must combine three to five drops of lavender oil and a half teaspoon of coconut oil.
- Use your fingertips to rub the solution onto the affected area every day, or instead, you can use cotton buds. [5]
3. Ginger Oil
Ginger is an ideal essential oil for broken bones. It is indeed a beneficial natural antioxidant out there. It can improve the digestive system, reduce inflammation, heal infectious areas, and kill bacteria.
Ginger oil can improve circulation to help you ease the pain when bones get hurt. Ginger oil is essential for reducing menstrual cramps. It can also fight joint and muscle pain due to excessive exercise and broken bones.
- Few drops of ginger oil
- Mix with a carrier oil
- Rub a few drops of essential ginger oil to the skin spot where your bone got broken.
- For better results, combine it with a carrier oil and use the mixture twice a day. [6]
4. Wintergreen Oil
Wintergreen has a lot of medical purposes. It is extremely popular with people suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, and bone pain.
It has pain-calming properties as it contains a chemical acting like aspirin. So it can relieve muscle pains well.
Wintergreen has no difficulty penetrating the skin into the muscle tissues before promoting blood circulation. It also increases the quality of sleep and reduces stress. Essential oils for bone healing come with many labels and can be confusing. However, this one is a good one that you can trust.
- 3-4 drops of Wintergreen oil
- 1-2 tablespoons of any of the carrier oils
- Mix the wintergreen oil with other essential oils and herbs in this article.
- The user inhales the mixture to cut the pain.
- This oil is also applicable to the skin.
- Make sure that you dilute wintergreen oil with some carrier oils and other essential oils before applying it to the infected area. [7]
5. Nettle Oil
Calcium, magnesium, and other minerals are needed for our bones to be healthy and flexible. Therefore, you can not ignore nettle oil because it is an excellent source of calcium.
Nettle leaves have been utilized to treat arthritis and other bone issues for thousands of years. They are rich in calcium, magnesium, silicon, and boron. These are all required materials for flexibility in bone tissue.
- Nettle oil
- A carrier oil like peppermint
- Mix a few drops of nettle oil with a few drops of carrier oil.
- For example, peppermint. Massage the mixture on the affected area gently. Do it every day.
- You can also mix nettle oil with your soap and use it during your shower to ease the pain.
- Never apply essential oils for bone healing on cuts or exposed flesh. (8)
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6. Chamomile Oil
Chamomile reduces pain and swelling in joints, tendons, and muscles. It promotes relaxation. You can use the oil or make chamomile tea. You will find it to be handy throughout your life.
- Chamomile oil
- Jojoba oil
- Peppermint oil
- You need to mix five drops of chamomile oil with three drops of jojoba oil or peppermint oil, and then massage the mixture gently on the affected area to reduce the pain.
- Add them to a warm water tank and dip the injury for a few minutes. (9)
7. Clary Sage Oil
Clary Sage is helpful in healing cramps, back pain, headaches, and muscle stiffness.
This oil has a positive effect on rashes or inflamed skin. Broken bones are served well with this oil. Clary Sage can improve the circulatory system leading to faster healing of bones.
- 5 drops of Clary Sage
- 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
- You can add a few drops of Clary Sage to your soap, cream, or perfume. You can also get it via inhalation.
- For better effect, you can dilute five drops of Clary Sage oil with 1 tablespoon coconut oil.
- Message the mixture on the affected area. [10]
8. Juniper Berry Oil

Juniper Berry oil has a remarkable effect on improving the immune system. As a result, it is ideal for detoxification. In addition, it boosts your body’s capacity to deal with the injury.
Juniper speeds up recovery and eliminates possible contamination of the wound. It also supports gout, joint inflammation, arthritis, and muscle fatigue.
Essential oils for bone healing do not cure entirely, but they greatly help the healing process.
- Dilute Juniper Berry
- Coconut oil
- Jojoba oil
- Use a moisturizer with this oil before applying it to your skin.
- Use dilute juniper berry oil and coconut oil in equal ratios. You can replace coconut oil with jojoba oil.
- Massage the mixture of oils onto targeted spots. Daily repetition will yield results.
- You can mix it with some other oil and Epsom salt for muscular pain and irritation, then dilute the mixture in your bath. You can also inhale it in the nasal before bedtime for better sleep. [11]
9. Helichrysum Oil
Helichrysum oil can reduce muscle pain, swelling, inflammation, and blood circulation.
This oil can treat hemorrhoids, prevent cancer, detoxify and cure candida. Athletes find it handy as an excellent massage oil. In addition, it aids in healing bone-related injuries.
- Helichrysum oil
- Honey
- Mix some drops of helichrysum oil with a few drops of lavender oil and honey.
- Apply the mixture to the broken area.
- You can also message one or two drops on your neck and forehead to release pain and stress. Always avoid rubbing directly on an open wound. [12]
10. Marjoram Oil
Marjoram oil improves your mood when you suffer from a fracture. This oil relieves pain and swelling caused by broken bones. It contains anti-inflammatory substances. Marjoram oil can treat muscle spasms and tightness. Tension relief is its trademark trait.
- Marjoram oil
- Olive oil
- You should mix some dilute marjoram with olive oil.
- Massage the muscle area. It is suitable for cooking, so you can add it to your soup or salad to improve the taste.
- If you enjoy herbal scents and smells, you can diffuse them into the atmosphere of your room.
- The oil is a component of aromatherapy. Many essential oils for bone healing help with broken bones, but this one serves the soul. [13]
RELATED: 15 Essential Oils for Knee Injury- Fastest Relief from Knee Pain
Causes of Weak and Broken Bones
The causes of a broken bone can be any of the following:
- Improper balance due to falling down
- Disease like Osteoporosis
- External tension (accident, sports)
- Age
- Lack of calcium and vitamin D
Precautions Before Using Essential Oils
- Don’t apply oils to an open wound as there is a chance of infection. Likewise, clean it carefully if you accidentally get some on a fresh injury.
- Avoid essential oils that invoke allergy. Your body might not handle some of the oils in this article. Stop treatment and pick a new essential oil to use.
- Always check with the doctor first. It is fine if you want to treat your bone with essential oils but still base the decision upon professional advice. There is a chance that oils won’t do the trick if you need pharmaceutical medication.
- Follow the directions carefully. There is no need for over usage.
- Do not use too much force while working. Take it easy, especially at an older age. Your bones are fragile while they are healing. You should not force yourself during the healing process. It will only make things worse.
- Keep wounds clean. If you have exposed flesh, you should always keep it clean. Infection is a real concern.
- Rest is brilliant medicine. There is no alternative to resting. Your bones will heal faster during sleep and rest.
- Eat well to stay healthy. But, first, you must get your regular dosage of nutrients. If your immunity falls, then essential oils will not be much help to you.
- Find a way to increase the intake of calcium in your diet. Calcium strengthens bones preventing further possibilities of injury.
- Be careful while mixing oils. Make sure that it is an informed decision.
When to Seek Medical Attention
It is difficult to tell whether you have fractured or broken your bones until you get a medical check-up. Some of the common signs that need emergency medical care after a bone injury include:
- Numbness in the injured and surrounding area
- Severe pain at the site of the injury
- Heavy bleeding in the injured area
- The gradual development of swelling and bluish color on the injured skin
- Deformity of the injured skin area or a protruding bone through the skin
Bottom Line
The healing process of broken or fractured bone depends on many factors. The injury itself, your immunity, age, workload, and your diet are all factors that determine the healing time.
The best idea is to eat well, rest well, and take your doctor’s advice on what medicine to take. Ask them if you can use essential oils for relief and faster healing.
When you have fractured bones, particular foods are recommended that assist in the healing process. Some of them are meat, milk, fish, Cheese, Yogurt, nuts, etc. In addition, two powerful supplements for healing bone fractures are Vitamin D and Magnesium Supplements.
Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D3, and Green Superfood powder are good natural medicine for broken bones. Also, vibration therapy increases the natural healing process. If you recently had surgery for a broken bone, eating well to heal faster is best. In addition, you should increase the amount of protein and vitamin c in your diet.
The ideal essential oil differs from person to person, so try them out and see which suits you.
When a person has broken bones, they need a lot of support. It is handy to have someone around to help you with everyday activities.
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